
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Top 10 Mustaches

10. Salvador DalĂ­

Being great artist and a little weird (or eccentric, if you are a great artist) usually go hand in hand. It was said that DalĂ­ wore mustaches because he was inspired by dictators who wore them. DalĂ­ was a colorful and imposing presence in his ever-present long cape, walking stick, haughty expression, and upturned waxed mustache, famous for having said that “every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador DalĂ­.”

9. Rollie Fingers

A baseball hall-of-famer, Rollie Fingers was one of the first players groomed in his minor league career to be a relief pitcher once he reached the majors. Thankfully, his mustache was also groomed and he delivered a entertaining handlebar mustache along with a great pitches. To his credit he won the American League MVP and Cy Young Award in 1981 besides rocking the handlebars.

8. Charlie Chaplin

This toothbursh mustache is most famous for having been worn by Adolf Hitler, although it was already well-recognized due to movie star Charlie Chaplin wearing it as part of his Little Tramp costume. Chaplin did not wear the mustache in daily life. Chaplin said he added the mustache to his costume because it had a comical appearance and was small enough so as not to hide his expression. Chaplin took advantage of the noted similarity between his on-screen appearance and that of Adolf Hitler in his film The Great Dictator, where he again wore the mustache as part of two new characters that parodied Hitler. - Wikipedia

7. Gene Shalit

Gene Shalit is the film and book critic on NBC’s The Today Show. And, wow, he really looks like an owl in that picture. He is known for his frequent use of puns, his over-sized handlebar mustache, and for wearing colorful bowties. During major league baseball spring training in 1994, Shalit was run over by a car. To the disappointment of many Hollywood movie-producers, he recovered.

6. Yosemite Sam

Was there any man who was more mustache and less face than Yosemite Sam? Two eyes, a bun shaped nose and red hair was the sum total of his his face. With a mustache longer than his arms, the only thing bigger was his cowboy hat. Bugs may have gotten the better of Yosemite Sam, but as a hairy red fashion statement, he couldn’t be beat.

5. Badamsinh Juwansinh Gurjar

A simple Indian villager, Badamsinh wears his mustache here on February 29, 2004. Badamsingh displayed his 12.5 feet long mustache, which he said he had not cut for 22 years, in an attempt to enter the Guinness Book of World records.

4. Groucho Marx

Groucho’s glasses, nose, and mustache have become icons of comedy—to this day, glasses with fake noses and mustaches (referred to as “Groucho glasses”and other names) resembling Groucho Marx are still sold by novelty and costume shops. Although his mustache started out a simple grease paint, by the time he was hosting “You Bet Your Life” he had grown a real mustache which he kept for the rest of his life. - Wikipedia

3. Adolf Hitler

I can’t think of any other list that you would find both Tom Selleck and Adolf Hitler to be members of. Is it any wonder the “Hitler” mustache went out of style about the same time Hitler went of style? As one man, he had the power to throw the world into war…and forever end the fashion statement of the “toothbrush” mustache.

2. Tom Selleck

As my wife will tell you, there is a lot to like about Tom Selleck, not the least is his iconic mustache. Tall, dark, handsome and hairy, Tom Selleck has made a living at being easy on the eyes and he pulls off a mustache better than any other male. The legend of his mustache was illustrated wonderfully during his appearance on the hit sit-com, “Friends” when Joey and Chandler both tried growing mustaches in order to be more like Tom’s character, Richard. Needless to say, they paled in comparison.

1. Fu Manchu

Imagine a person, tall, lean and feline, high-shouldered, with a brow like Shakespeare and a face like Satan, one giant intellect, with all the resources of science past and present … Imagine that awful being, and you have a mental picture of Dr. Fu-Manchu, the yellow peril incarnate in one man. – The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu

Reading this you might say, “How could the author Sax Rohmer forget to mention his incredible mustache.” Actually, he didn’t forget, Fu Manchu didn’t originally have a mustache when he was in print. It was added when Fu Manchu made the leap from book to film. So popular was this mustache that Fu Manchu’s name evolved into the actual name for his type of mustache–A “fu manchu” is a full moustache that extends downward past the mouth and on either side of the chin. Often, the ends of the moustache will hang past the jaw line with pointed or tapered ends. Curious about growing your own Fu Manchu mustache? Send in pictures if you succeed. ;-)

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