
Monday, December 10, 2007

How To Get A Six Pack Fast: 3 Easy Tips

by Trainer Trent

Ah, the wonderful six pack. Desired by many, achieved by few. What do the men and women with amazing abs know that the average person doesn't? Here are some quick and easy tips to get you looking like the cast of 300.
1. Eat Smart - Many experts say abs are made in the kitchen...and rightfully so. Someone may have the best abs in the world, but if they are covered in a layer of fat, they simply will not be seen. Your goal should be to eat balanced meals with a lot of color (fruits & veggies). Avoid simple, refined sugars and carbs, and get plenty of lean protein.

2. Train with Intensity - Resistance training will help improve your body composition, firming your muscles and reducing your body fat. Remember, muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Keep the tempo up and don't spend too much time chatting at the water fountain!

3. Do Interval Cardio - Too much slow, steady cardio will actually waste your muscles, hurting your body composition. Your best bet is to do interval training. This means alternating periods of moderate intensity with short bursts of high intensity. For instance going from a jog to a sprint, then back to a jog, and so on.

There you have it. 3 easy tips to get a six pack fast. Remember, the key component to having nice abs is a low body fat percentage. What you eat, your workout intensity, and type of cardio are the key ingredients to exposing your amazing abdominals.

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