
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Follow the Five F's to Dating Heaven

by Justin Parfitt

If you're looking for love, then getting past the first date is the initial step ... follow these life-coaching essentials and guaranteed your first date butterflies will be something to look forward to!

Figure out what you want

What is your dream? What is the point of dating? Why do you flirt? Many people are afraid of what they want, because they will feel disappointed if they don't get it. This is why we don't dare to dream or set goals. But if we never think of what would make us happy, the chances are small we will ever be really happy. We will instead be pushed in different directions by the needs of others. You have to ask yourself what would make your life better: What is your dream? What is perfect living for you?

Find positive thoughts

To reach your goals you need to think of what you want - not on what you don't want. Still, many people are stuck in thoughts like "I don't want to be lonely" or "I will never find a boyfriend". Problem is that those thoughts will keep you in that state. They are holding you back, keeping you in what is today instead of taking you forward. Try to change all negative thoughts to positive. Say "I want to meet someone", "I am going to be happy", "I want to feel more confident".

Focus on your goal

When you know what you want and why you want it, it is time to move on. Be focused on your goal, and try to avoid those "but" thoughts - like when you want a girl friend, BUT you are afraid a relationship will hold you back; or when you want a boy friend, BUT you really like having a clean kitchen and a vibrant single life. Decide that you want what you say you want, and get rid of those doubts.

Fantasize freely

Imagine how it would be if you were there, in your dream. Walk around in your everyday life and pretend you have the perfect partner. Act and feel as if you were happy and in love. Build up a whole movie in your head. Day dream and see you and your partner as stars in that film! It has been known that when you imagine something so much it starts to materialise.

Feeeeeel the success

If you smile you will feel happy. If you think of something that once made you sad you will feel sadness. Yes, your feelings are quite easy to control, so use that power to feel as good as you deserve. Try to find the right "I am loved and happy" feelings. IF you were in that great relationship you want, how would you feel right now? Train the butterflies in your stomach by using them. Be aware of your emotions towards everything in life and you will experience a greater range of feelings. And focus only on those great successful feelings that will be your shortcut to success.

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